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November 2018

The last Training Cadre blog Post (anyone who has the link can access this blog. I will leave it up for as long as it is practical to keep it)

(For those who are missing "All the Stories" I just found this Link) For some unknown reason, this link works perfectly sometimes and sometimes not at all!

Farewell Old Friend
The purpose of the Training Cadre was to standardize the training so that all shifts would get the same training. Originally, the training was put on the computer in room 12. Trainers on each shift had to go to that computer to prepare for their shift. 

In June of 2015, we started this blog so that trainers and anyone else could access this training with any device connected to the internet. As I looked at some of the early presentations, I noticed that a few of the links no longer work because the person who created them had deleted the original. It has been fun, and I have learned a lot and hope that you have too! (This was my first and so far, only attempt at blogging,) 

Hello New Friend
I would like to thank all members of the Cadre, past, and present, for their dedication and hard work! (You are the BEST!)

Because of the short month, each shift will have the opportunity to look at the list of training opportunities below and choose the items which meet your needs on your shift!

October 29-November 3Shift Choice

November 5-10- Shift Choice

November 12-17 Farewell 

Choose any of the Following!

The web version of Ordinances Ready can now be accessed at the link below!

Uploaded image: No description set. Ordinances Ready at FS.png

Brand new October 29th From BYU Effectively Handling Hints (Nicky Smith 13:02)

When Ordinances need to be performed again (Nan Peacock) Google Slides

Find-a-Grave Training by Rayanne Melick (9:35) BYU

Ordinances Ready by Harold Davis  (7:52) BYU This one and the next one show how to use the new FamilySearch Smartphone app to find ordinances that are ready. They are similar. Show either or both!

Ordinances Ready: FamilySearch New Feature Carol Hill (5:41)

The white on black numbers below are the links to the following videos!


Standardizing Dates & Places, & Entering Names Correctly (by Holly Kauer) Rexburg FHC (These are all updates)


How to Edit or Add Vital Information (by Holly Kauer)


How to view 2 windows or pages side by side (by Holly Kauer)


Attaching Record Hints to your Ancestor's Personal Detail Page (by Holly Kauer)


October 2018

Oct 1-5 (No Saturday shift-General Conference Oct 6)

Each Missionary going to the new building will be given a training document like the one pictured on the left. This Training is based on the Projects and Goals in The Family History Guide During the first 2 weeks in October, we will focus on The Family History Guide. If you are new to the Guide, you may be curious about the kinds of things you can do on the website, without having to search through all the menus. During this first week, we will go through a quick overview of the Family History Guide. Show and discuss the following videos:
(This Training will be good for all, even if you are not going to the new building)

1.Amber's Journey 2.The Human Knot 3.Quick Tour
Let's take a quick look inside one of the projects Show-Me: Inside Projects

Oct. 8-13

Recently, FamilySearch introduced a

new overhaul of the person page. The Family History Guide has updated the material in the Guide to reflect those changes. Trainers should spend enough time reviewing the following presentation that they will be comfortable with it! (Be prepared to answer questions about the new person page)

The New Person Page in Tree

(In preparation for next week each consultant should select a project in FamilySearch to work on during the Hands-on experience!!)

Oct. 15-20 Hands-On Exploration of The Family History Guide

Oct. 22-27  Indexing Challenge


September 2018

Sept. 4-7 (Tuesday-Friday)  - YSA Discovery Experience (Note for the Presenter: Slide 3 has links for Geneopardy & Wheel of Family Fortune. If you click on those links it will take you to those sites and if you have time you can show or talk about those 2 games and then go back to the presentation)

AAHGS Presentation For the first time this group will be one of the hosts for our conference and will be participating as well

Note for Shift Supervisor and Education Coordinator: The Education Coordinator will use a survey to find out those that need help with items on the survey and who can be Mentors for those that need help! The Mentoring exercise will be done in week 4. (The Monday & Saturday shifts will miss this week, so the survey could be started during August by them or any of the other shifts that want to get a head start with the Survey.) The survey can be printed Here. (This survey is for
use with the Hands on Experience during the last week in September only.)

Sept. 10-15 Emergency Preparedness
Slide Presentation and discussion

Sept. 17-22 Active Shooter Video that is shown to missionaries at the SLC Headquarters mission followed by discussion and a Hands-on exercise to locate Fire Extinguishers,
Flashlights, First Aid Kits etc. The link to the document is Here

Sept. 24-29-Mentoring Exercise based on the survey by the Education Coordinator


August 2018 Training
Mentor 1 Everyone a Mentor  

Please Note: The schedule for the next 2 weeks has changed! The Conference presentation has been moved forward 1 week and the August 20-25 will also be changed.
A video by Eric Richards, keynote speaker, has been added to the Conference presentation.  Just click on the web address (URL), click on the full-screen icon as usual.  At the end of the video, push escape, close (X) the video tab and click forward for the next slide.

August 20-25 Harassment/Discrimination Video This required training video has restricted access and will be made available by the Associate Director on each shift.
This video may be shown by either the Associate Director or a shift trainer. This will be determined by each shift individually. Because of time constraints, the video should be stopped after Slide #20. (21:19) Make sure you have 20+ minutes for training!!

August 27-31 Hands-on Experience-Meet in a classroom. Just have an opening prayer! Explore your FamilySearch Dashboard- After you show the short video each person should explore their own dashboard. The purpose of this hands-on exercise is to make sure all staff are acquainted with the FamilySearch Dashboard. Some items on the Dashboard change frequently,
so don't be surprised when it doesn't look the same!


July 2018

Library closed:     July 2-4 & 23,24

July  5, 6, 7:  Hands on workshop for those shifts meeting on these days! For this exercise you could use The Family History Guide)

Goal 11: Merge duplicate ancestors in your tree. If you can’t find any duplicates, I would bet that you can find some using Find-A-Record. Click on the link above and follow the directions under 'B'. Trainers could demonstrate how to use Find-A-Record to find duplicates etc.

July 9- 14:  Open House: Tuesday July 10-July 12, but prayer meeting will be held each day as usual. Those who meet on Open House days (Tuesday-Thursday) can meet in room 13 for prayer meeting. The training during this week will be Part 2 of Finding Elusive Records
Search from the FamilySearch Catalog (9:02)
Using Batch Numbers (6:04)
Filter Results by Collection (4:09)

July 16-21 -  It is anticipated that by that time we will know who the new
Directors are. So, if this is true Prayer Meeting time will be
“getting to know the new directors”

There are 4 videos in this part:
Exact Searching (4;34)
Searching With Wildcards (5:55)
Analyze Search Results in a Spreadsheet (2:47)
Questions, Answers and Feedback (1:20)
Here is an new Handout: Finding Digital Records on FamilySearch
July 30-Aug 4 Hands on Workshop for shifts who have watched the 3 parts of Finding Elusive Records.
Monday & Tuesday Shifts- Part 3 of Finding Elusive Records


June 2018 Training


May 29-June 2: Discover, Gather, Connect
An Expanded Emphasis for Family History This Presentation was a webinar featuring Kathryn Grant from the BYU Family History Library. At the beginning she gives a disclaimer that these are her own ideas and not official church statements. The webinar is about 58 minutes long and is too long for our needs, but she has allowed us to use her presentation. It is recommended that you you watch the webinar and then use her slides for your presentation. We think you can cover all of the material in the 20 minute time frame.

June 4-9 -Duplicates in Family Tree                
This presentation (also by Kathryn Grant) shows how to find duplicates that are not found by the “Possible Duplicates” feature in FamilySearch. Without careful study some of the slides may not be easily understood. We have provided Slide notes for Duplicates in Family Tree (Partial list)  If you don’t have enough time to finish all of the slides on merging in this presentation you should be aware that most of that information is also covered in the Resolving Duplicates presentation next week. As always, be sure to put in enough practice time to to be comfortable with the material!

June 11-16: (Closed Friday 15th) Resolving Duplicates  

Duplication can be frustrating, but finding an ancestor more than once in Family Tree is a fairly common occurrence. The reason for these duplicates (the term used when there are multiple records for the same individual) is because information in the tree comes from a variety of sources and because users can enter their own information directly into the tree. Although FamilySearch has put safeguards in place to prevent creating more duplicates, with the various points of information entry, it’s still possible for an ancestor to end up in Family Tree more than once. The steps that are outlined in this presentation will help you in resolving those situations.

June 18-23: Finding Elusive Records Part 1

This presentation is divided into 3 parts. You will only have time for Part 1. Parts 2 and 3 will be used in July. Plan on about 20 Minutes each.
In Robert Kehrer’s 2016 RootsTech presentation he stated that 70% of Family Search images were unindexed.
In 2017 he again stated the above, and added that there are 300 camera teams out filming records around the world at such a speed that only ¼ of them can be indexed as they come in, so the number of unindexed records is growing.
(Notes by Ed Williams from the two conferences)

June 25-30 :  Introduction to Open House ((16 11



May 2018 Training

April 30-May 5 (Library will be closed May 28 for Memorial Day)

Image Editing Using

Paint.NET is a fully-featured alternative to more complex and hard-to-grasp image editors like GIMP which is also free. Its simplicity is its core strength, but it also contains advanced features that help you create better images. It is a powerful easy-to-use Image editor that offers features similar to those that that you will find in Adobe Photoshop. It features layers, enabling you to edit specific areas of your image, or build up an Image from a number of different sections. (Taken from an online review.)
May 7-12  - Uploading to FamilySearch Memories by Ann Tanner
This is a great video on how to upload pictures, documents, and stories to FamilySearch
Family Tree. Here are a couple of Links to PDF documents explaining this process. 
May 14-19 Family History Detectives 2018 Introduction

This is a brief overview of the Summer Camp Training for this summer. The committee has been working hard and has come up with a plan to teach our young people how to be Family History Detectives
There should also be enough time for each shift to organize and get ready for this important summer activity.

May 21-26   Hands on Workshop
Prepare ahead and bring some digital pictures that you would like to edit or upload to FamilySearch


April 2018

April 2-7 - Topics from RootsTech-

Elder Renlund's Talk(10 minutes)
Gathering God's family on both sides of the veil and the role of Priesthood leaders and ward councils and Temple and Family History Consultants was the theme of the Leadership session taught by General Authorities at RootstTech 2018. During the first 2 weeks of April we will cover some of the highlights of that training. Elder Dale G. Renlund conducted this session. 

Elder Bradley D. Foster (9:18)
According to the Deseret News.         
"A capacity congregation in the Conference Center Theater and many others tuned in via live internet streaming—attended thesession, primarily directed to those throughout the Church who hold the position of temple and family history consultant." The Deseret News  reported on the next presentation: "Addressing the consultants present and watching online, Elder Bradley D. Foster said they have “one of the most exciting and profound callings  in the Church.”

April 9-14  - Sister Joy D. Jones-General Primary President (5:32)

Sister Joy D. Jones, Primary general president and a member of the Temple and Family History Executive Council, said, “Children love to learn about their ancestors. Family stories can teach them important lessons and help them develop a foundation of strength they can draw from throughout their lives.”Show only the 1st 5:32 of the video! Stop at the end of her talk-do not show the rest the video! Her mention of the rising generation and involving primary children particularly those who are11 and 12 years old, ties nicely into our summer activity, Family History Detective Training.  Maybe it could be mentioned along with how youth groups come to the Library. Additionally, this year's Ogden Family History Conference will have a great deal to offer the young single adults.

Show only Elder Patrick Kearon’s talk (Stop the video at 6:44)
Elder Kearon compares 2 contrasting Family History experiences he had as a new convert and illustrates the importance of consultants helping those they are helping discover with the spirit and love. This could  lead to a discussion about Find, Take, Teach and Discover, Gather, Connect?  The following is a statement in the  new Temple And Family History Consultant training. You can access it Here (The statement below is at the bottom left under
Minister One-One-on-One)

“Helpers should teach following the example of the Savior, line upon line and precept upon precept. Experiences should be tailored to the participants' level of understanding of family history, and you should be considerate of their time.
  • Keep the interaction short (30 to 40 minutes is recommended)
  • Invite the people you are helping to bring their own personal electronic device.
  • Invite the participants to learn by doing.
  • Be sensitive to difficult family relationships or complex family trees. Seek opportunities to show an increase of love for the person you are helping
If you have time you can click on all of the "See More" buttons.but "Minister One-On-One" fits best with Elder Kearon's talk.

April 16-21 -We have been asked to provide some additional Indexing training to start another Ogden FamilySearch Library Indexing Challenge to help Fuel the Find during this week.

Web Indexing Review And Reminders

An overview on changes to indexing including emphasis on staying current with instructions, changes, different formats and how to find the review tab.  Need to encourage volunteers currently indexing to start reviewing as there is an urgent need for this. If you have time you could go to the blog Here and cover the information in the blog about Reviewing.
Note: While working on the May training I stumbled on to some Web indexing Videos that could supplement the above slide presentation.
April 23-28 - Hands on workshop - Indexing
All missionaries and consultants are encouraged to index at least one batch
during this week!