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August Training

August 1-6 Flash Drives & Family History

Thumb Drive

Flash or Thumb drives, also known by many other names, are very useful in Family History work! This Presentation gives some information that will enhance your use of these devices

August 8-13 Unindexed Sources

Based on a 2016 Roots Tech presentation by Robert Kehrer that is too long for Prayer Meeting.. Supervisors and Trainers can watch the original for more complete information on this subject by clicking  here.  (Scroll to the bottom of the page when the link loads)

August 15-20 Family History Conference Overview

August 22-27,  August 29-September 3 and Sept. 5- 10
Supervisors Choice 
Because of Labor day and the the Family History Conference, the Monday and Saturday and other groups that are missing days in July there may not be time for everyone to do all that we have asked you to do! This will be a good time to "catch up" and also address specific needs on your shift! If you need help here are some suggestions:

Brian Edwards - How to move forward in your FamilySearch research 0:52

Access to records-FamilySearch  2:47
Roger Bell - How to correct errors in the data 1:00
Ron Tanner - Changing the starting person in your family tree 1:33
Opening New Tabs in FamilySearch – Robert Kehrer 1:10
Roger Bell - Changing an item in the gallery from a photo to a document  1:18
Robert Kehrer - How to use un-indexed records 1:14
Brian Edwards - Starting your research where you left off :55
Fun Quiz on relationships
Myth Buster-Some peaple believe that KW numbers are reserved for LDS Church Members :51
Longer YouTube videos
PERSI by Nicky Smith 16.21
Merging Duplicates in Family Tree by James Tanner  9:21
Adding sources in Family Tree Heather McPhie 8:47
Merging Duplicates in FamilySearch Family Tree by Carol Hill 18:30

Short 5 slide Thank You For Participating in the World Wide Indexing Event-Shows how many participants, by age group, by region and total number of records indexed!