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November 2018

The last Training Cadre blog Post (anyone who has the link can access this blog. I will leave it up for as long as it is practical to keep it)

(For those who are missing "All the Stories" I just found this Link) For some unknown reason, this link works perfectly sometimes and sometimes not at all!

Farewell Old Friend
The purpose of the Training Cadre was to standardize the training so that all shifts would get the same training. Originally, the training was put on the computer in room 12. Trainers on each shift had to go to that computer to prepare for their shift. 

In June of 2015, we started this blog so that trainers and anyone else could access this training with any device connected to the internet. As I looked at some of the early presentations, I noticed that a few of the links no longer work because the person who created them had deleted the original. It has been fun, and I have learned a lot and hope that you have too! (This was my first and so far, only attempt at blogging,) 

Hello New Friend
I would like to thank all members of the Cadre, past, and present, for their dedication and hard work! (You are the BEST!)

Because of the short month, each shift will have the opportunity to look at the list of training opportunities below and choose the items which meet your needs on your shift!

October 29-November 3Shift Choice

November 5-10- Shift Choice

November 12-17 Farewell 

Choose any of the Following!

The web version of Ordinances Ready can now be accessed at the link below!

Uploaded image: No description set. Ordinances Ready at FS.png

Brand new October 29th From BYU Effectively Handling Hints (Nicky Smith 13:02)

When Ordinances need to be performed again (Nan Peacock) Google Slides

Find-a-Grave Training by Rayanne Melick (9:35) BYU

Ordinances Ready by Harold Davis  (7:52) BYU This one and the next one show how to use the new FamilySearch Smartphone app to find ordinances that are ready. They are similar. Show either or both!

Ordinances Ready: FamilySearch New Feature Carol Hill (5:41)

The white on black numbers below are the links to the following videos!


Standardizing Dates & Places, & Entering Names Correctly (by Holly Kauer) Rexburg FHC (These are all updates)


How to Edit or Add Vital Information (by Holly Kauer)


How to view 2 windows or pages side by side (by Holly Kauer)


Attaching Record Hints to your Ancestor's Personal Detail Page (by Holly Kauer)

1 comment:

  1. Awesome blog! You’ve done a wonderful work with it over the years, Brother Allen!
