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September 2018

Sept. 4-7 (Tuesday-Friday)  - YSA Discovery Experience (Note for the Presenter: Slide 3 has links for Geneopardy & Wheel of Family Fortune. If you click on those links it will take you to those sites and if you have time you can show or talk about those 2 games and then go back to the presentation)

AAHGS Presentation For the first time this group will be one of the hosts for our conference and will be participating as well

Note for Shift Supervisor and Education Coordinator: The Education Coordinator will use a survey to find out those that need help with items on the survey and who can be Mentors for those that need help! The Mentoring exercise will be done in week 4. (The Monday & Saturday shifts will miss this week, so the survey could be started during August by them or any of the other shifts that want to get a head start with the Survey.) The survey can be printed Here. (This survey is for
use with the Hands on Experience during the last week in September only.)

Sept. 10-15 Emergency Preparedness
Slide Presentation and discussion

Sept. 17-22 Active Shooter Video that is shown to missionaries at the SLC Headquarters mission followed by discussion and a Hands-on exercise to locate Fire Extinguishers,
Flashlights, First Aid Kits etc. The link to the document is Here

Sept. 24-29-Mentoring Exercise based on the survey by the Education Coordinator

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