May 1-6
This is a brief overview of the Summer Camp Training for this summer. The committee has been working hard and has come up with a plan to teach our young people how to be Family History Detectives..
There should also be enough time for each shift to organize and get ready for this important summer activity.
May 8-13
Gatherers in the Kingdom-Family History Training Presentations (Please read all of the following instructions)
Family History Training Presentations have been prepared by the Church to train leaders and councils (13 Min +discussion), Family History consultants (16 Min.+) and members (15 Min +). These presentations are slightly different for each of those 3 groups. We have chosen to use the one for Consultants because it is the most applicable to us and gives the total picture, including how Temple and Family History should be organized at the Area, Stake and Ward levels. They are done in PowerPoint and each contain several short videos and are almost a gigabyte in length. The link above takes you to the page on where these presentations & the lesson plans can be downloaded. We will put a copy of the power point on the computer in room 12. They can also be viewed in LibreOffice (free download), but sometimes the video did not work properly when we tested it. Each of them has a lesson plan in pdf format with links to the videos to assist in in your preparation and the discussion during each of the presentations. Because of the length of each presentation we cou)ld only have a limited amount of discussion during prayer meeting. While this is not specifically intended for us, we do need to be aware of the direction from the brethren!
May 15-20
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