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November 2017

(Library closed November 22-25 for Thanksgiving Holiday)

Oct. 30-Nov. 4 (Remember the Library closes at 5 on Halloween)

Our original plan was to show this video to begin our "Fuel the Find" experience, but after previewing the video and seeing the amount of information that was covered in a short time period, we decided it would be overwhelming to the beginner and would be better as a review, after everyone had some experience with indexing. If you would rather not have 3 weeks devoted to indexing, you are on your own!

Nov. 6-11 Scanning  Slides (using the Slide Scanner) Updated 3/11/17

The new  high speed slide scanner is a valuable tool for our library! Get out those old boxes of slides (I have about 200 slides) and convert them to digital format. Once they are converted, they can easily be shared on FamilySearch or privately with family.
We are grateful to Brother McDonald for sharing this presentation with us!
Are you seeing too much of this?  Does your FamilySearch file have too much of this?  

This presentation will help you cure the red measles (Exclamation points) in your tree!         

Nov. 20-21 (Thanksgiving Holiday Week)

Supervisors Choice

Nov. 27-Dec. 2 Tips & Tricks   (Handout)